
A building tool brought to you by [Data Expunged], the 379th best building company in the solar system!
Item #: SCP-XYZ
Class: Euclid (Maybe Keter)
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XYZ should be kept in a standard humanoid containment cell which has been modified to suit the needs of SCP-XYZ except during cleaning in which it should be transferred to another cell by several D- class personnel ,which has to be cleaned immediately after SCP-XYZ has left it
In event of an attempted breach SCP-XYZ should be sedated before [Data Redacted]
The cleaning process for SCP-XYZ should consist of moving or destroying any generated SCP-XYZ-1 with SCP-XYZ-2 and then removing it using [Data Redacted]
the back of SCP-XYZ's neck is to be covered at all times, due to the cognitohazardous effects it produces

Description: SCP-XYZ is a Caucasian male with a tattoo currently reading: "A building tool brought to you by [Data Expunged], the 379th best building company in the solar system!" on the back of his neck, this tattoo has the effect of causing anyone who sees it feel preference for the [Data Expunged] building company, even to the point of giving their life for them. Of note is the fact the number on the tattoo increases and decreases at seemingly random intervals.
the primary anomalous effect of SCP-XYZ is the generation of a cement and water mix from his hands and feet, designated SCP-XYZ-1.
SCP-XYZ-1 is approximately ███% stronger than a mix of the same proportions would usually be as well as drying ████% faster. This is theorised to be due to the minor impurities of [Data Redacted] present in the cement mix.

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